Jola Speaks

Prioritising Time With God | Interview Session with Adeyinka Adewale

Jola Ajelabi

Prioritising Time With God | Jola Speaks ft. Adeyinka Adewale

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to get caught up in everything except time with God. But here’s the truth—your light shines the brightest when you stay connected to the source! 💡✨

In this insightful episode of Jola Speaks, we sit with Adeyinka Adewale to explore the power of prioritizing time with God. How do we stay consistent in devotion despite busy schedules? How does spending time with God directly impact our ability to shine in the world?

Join us as we unpack practical steps to build a lifestyle of intimacy with God and truly live as the light He has called us to be! 🌟

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