Jola Speaks

What Is Holding You Back? Interview Session with Adeyinka Adewale

Jola Ajelabi

What’s Holding You Back? Jola Speaks ft. Adeyinka Adewale

So, what’s stopping you from shining? Fear? Doubt? The opinions of others? In this thought-provoking episode of Jola Speaks, we sit with Adeyinka Adewale to uncover the barriers that keep us from fully stepping into our God-given purpose.

Your light is meant to illuminate the world, not be hidden under fear or uncertainty. This conversation will challenge you to break free from limitations, embrace your calling, and shine boldly for God.

✨ It’s time to rise. It’s time to shine. What’s holding you back?

🔔 Watch, subscribe, and share—let’s light up the world together!

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