Jola Speaks
Jola Speaks is a daily Podcast intended to grow and equip its listeners in their trust walk with God. The current focus is on obtaining clarity as we go through our individual processes with God - drop our own will, answering His calling, trusting Him and submitting to His Will. Why me? Why am I here? Why don’t I feel content with my achievements? What is happening to me? Why does my heart feel so heavy? What is wrong? Yes! we have so many questions, I have been there, I understand what you are going through, and you are not alone. I am by no means an expert and every episode is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let us all learn together under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The podcast unexpectedly started in December 2022 Please listen to the first podcast titled My Podcast Testimony for the full story. I know you will be enlightened as you listen. Got questions? Please let me know.
Jola Speaks
God's Mercy Is Bankable
2 Samuel 24:10-17, In this passage, David had sinned against God by ordering a census of Israel, motivated by pride and a desire to measure his own strength. Once he realized his sin, he was deeply convicted and confessed to God, saying,
“I have sinned greatly in what I have done. Now, LORD, I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing.” David’s response, God’s judgment, and His ultimate mercy in this story teach us that no matter how great our failures, God’s mercy is always bankable.
God gave David three options for judgment:
• Three years of famine,
• Three months of fleeing from enemies,
• Three days of plague.
David’s response was striking. He said, “Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.” David knew that while God is just, He is also merciful. Unlike humans, God’s mercy is infinite, unfailing, and trustworthy.
In our lives, we may face the consequences of our sins, but even in His judgment, God tempers it with mercy. His discipline is never meant to destroy us but to restore us.
In conclusion, God’s mercy is indeed bankable. When we come to Him in humility and repentance, we can trust that He will respond with forgiveness, compassion, and restoration. Just as David fell into the hands of God rather than man, let us always rely on God’s mercy, for it never fails and is always sufficient.
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#jolaspeaks @jolaspeaks