Jola Speaks
Jola Speaks is a daily Podcast intended to grow and equip its listeners in their trust walk with God. The current focus is on obtaining clarity as we go through our individual processes with God - drop our own will, answering His calling, trusting Him and submitting to His Will. Why me? Why am I here? Why don’t I feel content with my achievements? What is happening to me? Why does my heart feel so heavy? What is wrong? Yes! we have so many questions, I have been there, I understand what you are going through, and you are not alone. I am by no means an expert and every episode is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let us all learn together under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The podcast unexpectedly started in December 2022 Please listen to the first podcast titled My Podcast Testimony for the full story. I know you will be enlightened as you listen. Got questions? Please let me know.
Jola Speaks
God's Rulership II
“He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever.” — 2 Samuel 22:51
In this passage, David reflects on the faithfulness of God as his Ruler and Deliverer. God's rulership is characterized by His power, protection, provision, and promises, which endure forever.
David declares that God gives His king "great victories." This speaks to a ruler who not only leads but also ensures triumph over adversaries. As believers, this same God rules over our lives, assuring us of victory in every battle we face. His rulership is not passive; it is active in delivering us from challenges and turning our trials into testimonies.
The verse highlights God's "unfailing kindness" to His anointed. As our Ruler, God governs with mercy and grace. His kindness ensures that even when we falter, He remains faithful to guide, protect, and restore us.
God's rulership is not burdensome; it is life-giving. His power ensures victory, His kindness sustains us, His promises anchor us, and His sovereignty secures us. Like David, let us continually declare His faithfulness and commit ourselves to live under His rule.
Lord, we thank You for Your unfailing kindness and victorious rulership in our lives. Teach us to trust in Your power, align ourselves with Your will, and walk in the blessings of Your covenant. May we always declare Your faithfulness and live to glorify You. Amen.
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#jolaspeaks @jolaspeaks