Jola Speaks

Focus On The Big Picture

Jola Ajelabi

In 2 Samuel 20:20-22, we encounter a story where a wise woman of Abel Beth Maakah steps forward to avert a crisis. She urges Joab, who was pursuing Sheba son of Bicri, a rebel against King David, to spare her city. She emphasizes the importance of preserving the lives of innocent people and preventing unnecessary destruction. Her wisdom lies in seeing beyond the immediate conflict and focusing on the bigger picture — the well-being and future of her community.

In our lives and endeavors, "Focusing On The Big Picture" means adopting a strategic perspective that transcends immediate challenges or conflicts. It involves:

Strategic Vision: Like the woman of Abel Beth Maakah, we must have a clear vision of the long-term goals and outcomes we desire to achieve. This vision guides our decisions and actions towards impactful results.

Prioritization: Understanding what truly matters enables us to prioritize effectively. Just as the wise woman prioritized the safety of her people, we should prioritize efforts that contribute most significantly to our overarching objectives.

Wisdom in Decision-Making: Making decisions that align with our big-picture goals requires wisdom and discernment. It involves considering the broader implications of our choices and their potential consequences.

Leadership and Influence: The ability to focus on the big picture often requires leadership — influencing others towards a shared vision and encouraging collective efforts towards meaningful outcomes.

Resilience and Adaptability: Challenges and setbacks are inevitable, but maintaining focus on the big picture helps us navigate them with resilience. It allows us to adapt our strategies while staying true to our ultimate objectives.

In essence, 2 Samuel 20:20-22, calls us to rise above immediate circumstances, embrace strategic thinking, and work towards enduring goals that benefit not just ourselves but also those around us. It's about making decisions and taking actions that contribute positively to our future and the well-being of others.

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