Jola Speaks

Boldness And Confident

Jola Ajelabi

Proverbs 4:8 (TPT) says:
"Wisdom will exalt you when you exalt her. She will lead you to honor and favor when you live your life by her insights."

Building on this verse with a focus on boldness and confidence, we can see that wisdom plays a crucial role in strengthening our character. When we embrace wisdom, we not only grow in knowledge and understanding, but we also become bolder and more confident in our actions and decisions. Here's how boldness and confidence relate to this passage:

1. Exalting Wisdom Builds Confidence
When we prioritize wisdom in our lives, it elevates our thinking and actions. This reliance on divine wisdom helps us approach situations with clarity and certainty, removing hesitation or fear. Confidence is a natural result of knowing we are equipped with the right knowledge and understanding to face challenges.

2. Boldness Comes from Knowing the Right Path
Living by wisdom’s insights means having a clear vision of the path we should walk. When we know we are following God's wisdom, we become bold in our decisions, unafraid to stand up for what is right. This boldness stems from the assurance that God is guiding our steps and that we are aligned with His will.

3. Wisdom Leads to Favor and Honor
Wisdom leads to favor and honor because it influences how we interact with others and how we approach opportunities. A person filled with wisdom becomes bold in seeking opportunities and confident in navigating life’s challenges. This boldness and confidence attract favor from others and positions us for honor, as people are drawn to those who lead with wisdom and understanding.

4. Boldness and Confidence Through Faith
Wisdom is deeply rooted in faith and trust in God. The more we grow in wisdom, the more our faith in God deepens. This faith empowers us to act boldly, knowing that God's wisdom will never lead us astray. Confidence grows when we trust that God’s insights will bring success and protection, allowing us to step out of our comfort zones without fear.

In summary, embracing wisdom as described in Proverbs 4:8 helps us to live with boldness and confidence. It reassures us that by honoring wisdom, we are guided to make decisions that will lead to favor, success, and a life lived with courage. When we exalt wisdom, boldness and confidence become natural traits in our character, empowering us to face life with unwavering trust in God’s guidance.

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