Jola Speaks

Choose Your Words Carefully

Jola Ajelabi

In 2 Samuel 20:17-19, the story unfolds with a wise woman of Abel Beth Maakah negotiating with Joab to save her city from destruction. She skillfully uses her words to persuade Joab to spare her people, emphasizing the city's heritage and reputation. Here’s how you can apply "Choose Your Words Carefully" based on this passage:

Contextual Understanding: Before speaking, understand the context and implications of your words. The woman knew the gravity of her situation and the consequences of Joab’s actions, which guided her approach.

Clarity and Conviction: The woman spoke clearly and with conviction, ensuring her message was understood and carried weight. When choosing your words, clarity helps in effectively conveying your message.

Appeal to Values and Identity: She appealed to Joab’s sense of honor and the city’s reputation, aligning her plea with shared values. Similarly, in communication, connecting with shared values can strengthen your message’s impact.

Negotiation and Diplomacy: Her approach was diplomatic, seeking a peaceful resolution through negotiation rather than confrontation. In conversations, diplomacy can help navigate conflicts or sensitive topics.

Strategic Silence: Sometimes what you don’t say is as important as what you do. The woman likely omitted details that could provoke Joab, focusing instead on points that would resonate positively.

Impact Assessment: Consider the potential impact of your words before speaking. The woman anticipated how her words would influence Joab’s decision, which is crucial in everyday interactions to avoid unintended consequences.

By reflecting on these principles from 2 Samuel 20:17-19, you can approach conversations with wisdom, ensuring your words are purposeful, respectful, and impactful.

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