Jola Speaks

God's Guidiance To Use Our Gifts

Jola Ajelabi

In 2 Samuel 18:10-12, the story of Absalom’s death unfolds, where Joab's soldiers find Absalom caught by his hair in a tree. Despite orders from King David not to harm his son, Joab ignores this command and kills Absalom. This passage, though tragic, carries profound lessons on obedience and the use of our gifts with divine guidance.

1. The Call to Obedience in Using Our Gifts
In this passage, a soldier is given the opportunity to use his skills in battle, but he refrains from acting on his own judgment, respecting King David’s orders. Similarly, when God blesses us with talents, we must seek His guidance to know how and when to use them.

2. Understanding the Responsibility Attached to Our Gifts
The man in the story understood that King David’s directive to spare Absalom was not just an order but a reflection of David's heart for his son. Our gifts are given to us not just for personal gain but to fulfill God's higher purposes. Whether in ministry, career, or personal life, we must always reflect on the responsibility our gifts carry.

3. Faith Over Fear in Using Our Gifts
The soldier in 2 Samuel 18:12 chooses to fear God and honor the king’s command over the lure of material gain. Similarly, there will be times when using our gifts in obedience to God may seem counterintuitive or even costly, but faith teaches us to trust His guidance over worldly pressure.

4. Sacrificial Use of Our Gifts
Just as the man in the passage was willing to forgo a financial reward for the sake of obedience, we must be willing to sacrifice our desires or opportunities that seem promising if they go against God’s will. In doing so, we show that we value God's purpose over worldly success.

2 Samuel 18:10-12 reminds us that God’s guidance is paramount when using the gifts He has entrusted to us. Obedience, responsibility, faith, and sacrifice are key principles that should govern how we employ our talents for His glory.

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