Jola Speaks

Wisdom Or Foolishness

Jola Ajelabi

2 Samuel 17:23 tells the story of Ahithophel, a highly esteemed counselor whose advice was once likened to that of God (2 Samuel 16:23). However, when his counsel was rejected by Absalom in favor of Hushai’s advice, Ahithophel realized that his influence was lost, and he went home, set his affairs in order, and took his own life.

This narrative illustrates a profound lesson about the wisdom of foolishness—how a man esteemed for his wisdom could be brought to such a low state.

Ahithophel’s wisdom was highly regarded, but when it was rejected, his response demonstrated that his wisdom was rooted in pride and self-interest. He could not handle the fact that someone else’s counsel was chosen over his, leading him to despair. This shows that wisdom rooted in self-glorification is ultimately foolish, as it cannot stand the test of humility.

In the end, Ahithophel serves as a cautionary tale about the “wisdom of foolishness”—the idea that wisdom not rooted in humility, the fear of God, and long-term trust can quickly become its opposite. Wisdom, when intertwined with pride, is no longer true wisdom but becomes the seed of foolishness. True wisdom accepts human limitations, embraces humility, and acknowledges that ultimate control lies with God.

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